Hey.! Friends, Make money while surfing!!
1) If you don’t have an account already, register on PayPal http://www.paypal.com/. Its free.
2) Then register at, http://bux.to (also free)
3) Log in Bux.to, and click “Surf Ads”. Click the listed advertisements and wait until the 30-second counter finishes before closing the window. Click one Advertisement AT A TIME. It won’t work if you just open all ads at once. You can earn alot of money on this site by clicking ads.
4) When you have earned $10+ dollars, transfer them to your PayPal account by clicking “Cashout” in your “My Stats” window.
5) Don’t forget to come back everyday and click more ads to get more money & tell your friends about this offer!!


Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Trillian is a multi-network chat client that currently supports IRC, AIM, ICQ, MSN, and Yahoo! Messenger.
It supports all of the features you've come to expect from a good IM client, including but not limited to docking, multi-line edit boxes, buddy alerts, multiple connections to the same medium, a powerful skinning language, easy importing of your existing contacts, skinnable emoticons, logging, "global" away invisible features, and a unified contact list.
It is completely free with no nag screens or built-in ads.